Maverick Mace: 3 Must Try Mace Leg Exercises

Hey guys, welcome to this week’s video! Today, I’ll be sharing my top 3 mace exercises for the lower body. The mace isn’t just for grip, core, and upper body workouts; it’s also a fantastic tool for strengthening your lower body.

While a barbell is ideal for heavy lifting, the mace offers unique benefits with its leverage and ability to load the body unilaterally.

Power Squat

The power squat targets both the legs and core. By placing the load on one side of the body, it creates rotational and side-bending torque on the trunk, forcing your body to counter the weight. This unilateral loading is excellent for building a strong core.

For this exercise, I prefer using a heavy mace and performing 6-10 reps.

Trailblazer Squats

Trailblazer squats are another great exercise that targets the legs and core through rotation and anti-rotation. These squats are multi-planar, engaging the upper body in the transverse plane (rotational) and the lower body in the sagittal plane (linear).

This movement is fun and can really get your heart pumping. I like to use a lighter weight and perform this exercise for time or a higher rep range of 20+ reps.

360 to Offset Front Squat

Similar to the power squat, the 360 to offset front squat unilaterally loads the body, working the legs and core. The 360 part of the movement adds an upper body element, making the exercise more dynamic.

This exercise works best within a flow or can be performed for reps or time.

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