Maverick Mix Up – Adjustable Club & Mace Workout

Hey guys, welcome to this week’s workout!

Today, we’re diving into a Maverick Mix Up using the Maverick mace, Torque, and Clubs.

This workout is structured into three rounds, each lasting 6 minutes, with a focus on power and endurance.

The goal is to push through as many sets as possible within each round, alternating between two exercises at each station.

Let’s break it down:

Round 1 – Maverick Mace

Exercise A – Rotational Archers:

  • Grip the mace with your right hand, thumb closest to the mace head.
  • Perform an archer motion, rotating the mace towards the back wall.
  • Slide your hands to switch sides and repeat, aiming for 6 reps total.

Exercise B – Power Squats:

  • Cast the mace up in the air with one hand.
  • Slide your hand down and drop into a squat, focusing on proper form.
  • Repeat for 6 reps, alternating sides.

Round 2 – Maverick Torque

Exercise A – Switch Shield Cast:

  • Hold the club and perform a shield cast, switching hands as you go.
  • Ensure a smooth transition, letting the club slide through your grip.

Exercise B – Two-Handed Alternating Mill:

  • Cast the club out to one side, shifting your weight and rotating.
  • Perform the mill motion smoothly, alternating sides for 6 reps.

Round 3 – Maverick Clubs

Exercise A – Double Swipes:

  • Keep elbows tucked and wrists neutral.
  • Cast the clubs forward, wait for them to pass your legs, then perform the arm cast.
  • Complete 6 reps.

Exercise B – Alternating Rotational Torch Press:

  • Pivot off one foot and press the club away from your body.
  • Focus on stability and control, alternating sides for 6 reps.

Remember, aim for quality reps and power through each round for a full-body workout in just 20 minutes. Let’s get started and crush this Maverick Mix Up!

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