In today’s video, we’re going to be covering the double inside mill. So this is our first double Indian club movement.
It’s the same exercise that we did in our second video, which was the single inside mill, but this time we’re going to be using two clubs.
This is a fantastic exercise for building strong, mobile, durable shoulders and a strong grip.
We’re going to begin with the clubs in a front stack position, so three fingers on the handle, pinky on the pommel.
With our feet, you can have them in that military stance, in that V position, or where you feel that your hips are properly aligned. From there, elbows to the ribs, knuckles are facing the ceiling, and then we’ve got those clubs parallel stacked.
From there, making sure the chest is up, nice and relaxed, chest up proud, straight spine. Then from there, this time we’re going to be performing the exercise with two clubs.
We’re going to cast both clubs across the body at the same time.
So from here, I’m going to cast both those clubs from that hammer grip into the saber grip.
Alright, so nice and long through the wrists, making an X position with the hands and the clubs. From there, we’re going to swing those clubs down and out into that Y position, nice and long through those arms.
From the Y position, we’re going to go two clubs into sword and sheath. Then from here, double inside elbow circle back into that front stack position.
We’re going to do that movement again. This time now, I’m going to cast that left club in front, so always alternating which club goes in front so we’re nice and even.
So from there, out into that Y position, sword and sheath, inside elbow circles, back to that front stack. Cast the clubs, swinging out to the Y, sword and sheath, bringing those thumbs on the back of the head, down, making a triangle between the ears, bicep, and forearm.
Inside elbow circles, shrug those shoulders, back into that front stack, and then change sides each time.
Then just going through those movements step by step. Once you feel comfortable, you can just begin to speed the movements up and then make it more fluid and flow into those positions.
Each time though, just making sure you hit those correct movements.
So in that Y position, just come to a complete stop every now and again to see where those clubs are. Once you feel comfortable, you can go a little bit quicker.
Going through a couple of common mistakes now. The first one is just not alternating which hand goes in front.
For my first rep, I’ve got my right hand in front. Okay, on my next rep, I want to make sure I’ve got my left hand in front. So always alternating which hand goes in front of the body.
Another common mistake is not keeping that bicep connected to the ribs when you’re casting that club, so you’re actually overreaching.
So from here, just dropping that club down to there.
Another common mistake is rotating through the hips and rotating through the thoracic.
So with Indian clubs, we’re trying to keep that trunk as stable and as still as possible, facing forward, and the clubs are doing all the work around the body.
Another common mistake is when you’re coming into that sword and sheath position, we’ve got that triangle in between the ear, bicep, and forearm, and we’re not over-flexing the triceps.
So just from here, back into those inside elbow circles, and then back into that front stack position.