1. Alternating Shield Cast:
- Start in a double order position.
- Keep elbows tucked in, wrists neutral, and shoulders down.
- Place one club in the back pocket, ensuring full triceps flexion.
- Perform one rep on each side, smoothly transitioning between sides.
2. Squat to Torch Press:
- Begin with feet hip to shoulder-width apart, elbows tucked in.
- Lower into a squat, driving hips down and back.
- As you rise, press the club overhead, rotating and pivoting the hip.
- Focus on squeezing the glutes and maintaining stability throughout the movement.
3. Alternating Flag Press:
- Maintain a double order position, stabilizing one club.
- Drive the other club forward and upward, engaging the chest muscles.
- Ensure a full arm lock away from the body at shoulder height.
- Return to the starting position with control, maintaining stability and core engagement.
4. Arm Cast Reverse Lunge:
- Step back with one leg while performing an arm cast with the corresponding arm.
- Keep the elbow close to the ear during the arm cast.
- Lower into a lunge position, maintaining proper form.
- As you rise, engage the lat muscles and return to the starting position.
5. Double Shoulder Cast:
- Start with clubs in a neutral position, wrists neutral, and elbows tucked in.
- Extend arms out at a 45-degree angle, keeping wrists neutral.
- Focus on engaging the back muscles as you pull the clubs back into the starting position.
- Maintain stability and control throughout the movement.
6. Advanced Shoulder Cast:
- Similar to the double shoulder cast but with arms fully extended.
- Lock out the arms at shoulder height, maintaining stability and control.
- Focus on engaging the shoulder muscles and maintaining proper form.
- Return to the starting position with control, ready for the next repetition.