Maverick Torque 4 By 4 Flow Workout

Hey guys, Dan here from Dangerously Fit! Today, we’re diving into the Adjustable Maverick Torque Workout, also known as the 4×4 Flow Workout.

This routine is a non-stop flow where you move from one exercise to the next without any rest in between.

We’re performing four 4-minute rounds with a 1-minute rest between each round.

Let’s get into it!

Mill Squats
We’re starting off with Mill squats. Begin in the order position with your elbow tucked into your hip. Your wrist should be neutral, and your shoulder packed down. As you cast the club to your left, shift your weight to the right to counterbalance. Drop straight into the squat, maintaining a straight line from your crown to your coccyx. Squeeze your glutes and drive down through your heels as you come up into extension.

Swipe to Shoulder Clean
For the swipe to shoulder clean, cast the club forward and wait for it to pass your legs before hinging and driving your hips forward. Bring the club up into the swipe position, keeping your elbow close to your ear. On the second repetition, catch the club on your shoulder as you squat down. You can choose to keep your feet close together or step out into a wider squatting stance.

Half Mill Torch Press
After the swipe to shoulder clean, rotate your back hip and screw your foot into the floor as if squishing a bug. Support the handle with your thumb, draw the club away and up from your body, and keep your forearm locked. Perform a shield cast type movement and pivot off your right side. Execute the torch press by driving the club forward and away from your body, then repeat the outside elbow circle.

Side Swing
Next up is the side swing. Start in the order position, cast the club to your right, and shift your weight to the left. Maintain a full arm lock, shoulder down and packed. Shift your weight to the right as the club comes to the left, and then swing back. This movement should end around shoulder height, using a 45° snap of the hips to generate force.

Side Push Press
From the side swing, move into the side push press. Perform an outside swing and catch the weight in the Iron Cross position with the club vertically stacked. This exercise is challenging due to the leverage position, as the club is far away from your body. It will really test your shoulder stability.

Side Swipe
Finally, we have the side swipe. Cast the club out to the side, bring it over your shoulder, and keep your elbow tucked into your ear. Engage your lats, pull down your elbow, and return to the starting position. Repeat on the other side.

Putting It All Together
1. M squat
2. Swipe to shoulder clean
3. Half M torch press
4. Side swing
5. Side push press
6. Side swipe

Perform each exercise on one side, then switch to the other side. Aim to get as many rounds as possible in the 4 minutes, followed by a 1-minute rest. With four rounds in total, the workout will take around 19 minutes including rest periods.

That’s it for today’s workout! I hope you enjoy it, and I’ll see you in the next one.

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