Maverick Torque Workout – EMOM Shoulders

Hey guys, Dan here from Dangerously Fit! Today, we’re diving into an awesome shoulder workout using our Adjustable Maverick Torque Club.

This one’s an EMOM workout—Every Minute On the Minute. If you’re new to EMOM, it means you’ll start a new set at the beginning of each minute.

So, if you finish a set in 35 seconds, you get a 25-second rest. Finish in 45 seconds? You only have 15 seconds to catch your breath. The goal is to stay within that 35 to 45-second range.

If you’re going too fast, add some weight. If it’s taking too long, lighten up.

Now, let’s break down the exercises. You’re going to do 20 rounds in total—one round each minute for 20 minutes. Each round consists of seven exercises, performed on both sides. Here’s what you’ll be doing:


 Shield Cast

  1. Feet shoulder-width apart, toes forward
  2. Elbows tucked in, shoulders packed down
  3. Cast the club over the shoulder, full flexion in the tricep
  4. Pull down from the lat and elbow, back to the starting position

Arm Cast

  1. Move the club over the shoulder, behind the body
  2. Keep the elbow close to the ear, avoid flaring the ribs
  3. Pull down from the elbow, return to the starting position

Shoulder Cast

  1. Similar to Arm Cast, but bring the club out at a 45° angle
  2. Cast it over the shoulder, put it in the back pocket
  3. Pull down from the lat and elbow, out to the side at 45°

Advanced Shoulder Cast

  1. Same movement as Shoulder Cast, finish in Iron Cross position
  2. Club vertically stacked, arm around shoulder height

Side Push Press

  1. Cast the club away from the body, catch in Iron Cross position
  2. Perform an Iron Cross rotation, keeping the club vertically stacked

Iron Cross Rotation

Rotate the club from the core, maintaining vertical alignment

Reverse Mill

  1. Perform an outside elbow circle, catch the club on the other side
  2. Repeat the sequence on the other side
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